To hear a clip, click on a song title within the audio players below.
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"Then Sings My Soul"
Featuring: Joyce Randolph (vocals) and Bill Bell (piano)

"Simply Me"
Featuring: Joyce Randolph (vocals), Bill Bell (piano), Jeff Chambers (bass), Jason Lewis (drums), Houston Person (tenor sax)

"Just Enough for Me"
Featuring: Joyce Randolph (vocals), Bill Bell (piano), Jeff Chambers (bass),
Charles McNeal (saxiphone), Jason Lewis (drums/percussion), StaceyGreen (piano)

On the occasion of my 60th birthday, I release my final concert appearance
recorded live on March 11, 2007 before a wonderfully enthusiastic and supportive audience.

"LIVE at the Sainte Claire"

"Just a Little Blue"

"I Send Him Roses"

Graphic Design: Bev Cotton   © Joyce Randolph   | home | bio | recordings | press | contact | acclaim | photos | audio | video | appearances |